Institute Resources / Common Use Equipment

Overview of Services

Common Use Equipment reservation calendars are available to all Wistar scientific staff who have attended Common Use Equipment training as part of Initial Research Compliance and Safety Orientation.

Contact Common Use ( for access. 

Animal Facility Holding Room Biosafety Cabinets, Common Use Anesthesia Machines and Procedure room reservation calendars at the Animal Facility: Contact Denise DiFrancesco ( for access. 

Access to the BSL2+ lab : Contact EHS ( and Jessicamarie Morris ( 

Access to the BSL3 labContact EHS ( and Michelle Ho (

Custom synthesis of compounds: Contact the medicinal chemistry lab and Dr. Joseph Salvino ( 


Hours of Operation and Location

Hours Locations

Institute Resources Online Calendars are open to trained users 24/7     

The Wistar Institute
3601 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA-19104




Peter Scarpati
Director of Science Administration


Links and Resources

1. Science Administration SharePoint - has links to updated CUE list, emergency freezers, manuals, surplus equipment, disposal instructions, etc. All sorts of information found here!

2. Wistar Learning - links to all online training


Name Role Phone Email Location
Jamie Richards
Research Operations Coordinator
185 West (Admin Suite)
Maurice Brandon
Admin Assistant

Common Use Email
General Mailbox for Common Use


Service List

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
Medicinal Chemistry (2)